"The overall presentation of this site, from its free tour to its members' area, is very good indeed. The tour is especially lots of fun and very forthright in its descriptions regarding what the site is about! The members' area has some very good update information indeed with a number of episodes that are expected in the near future previewed for you. There is also a full index of all the ladies that appear on this site and the two that are included as bonuses, whilst the scene descriptions were also quite good.The options for watching the videos were pretty simple - maybe there could have been more. With full length video files available only, you can watch the video via Flash streaming or in .WMV format, with the best quality videos here playing at 720x480px. Download speeds were not bad. The photos on the site could vary in size but were usually around 800x1067px in size, whilst all galleries were available for ZIP download. There are currently 6 photo galleries and 17 videos on this site, which is updated around 3 times every month.Advertising itself as the 'only Asian breeding site on the internet', it isn't so much the content on Asian Baby Makers.com that is different, but rather the tone. These girls are hoping to get knocked up rather than praying that they don't! It is certainly an interesting take on the creampie genre, and at least psychologically it does make the content seem a whole lot dirtier as a result on what they are allegedly trying to do in the scenes.Indeed, most of the videos live up to the billing and are indeed hardcore creampie videos, completely uncensored and featuring some very hot Thai girls. Yet, one wonders what the videos for Nat Narak and 'Ann The Drunk' are doing here because all they happen to feature is both girls meandering around their bathrooms doing very little - and certainly not having sex. Also, the photo galleries are all softcore and merely modelling shoots for the girls who do eventually perform in a hardcore scene. Just a bit more quality control needed here." FreeOnes